Industry 4.0: how the world will change in 10 years
3D technology, big data, IIoT, deep learning — technologies are making their way into our world faster than it seems. With each passing day, the analogue world is losing ground to digital, along with Industry 4.0. Below, we discuss how innovation is changing our lives.
The digital reality is around us
Microprocessor-controlled sensors and detectors can hardly impress anyone these days, and they are set to become more ubiquitous with the development of printed electronics. Algorithms will be even more perfect — robots will start painting just as good as Picasso and Cezanne. They will routinely beat humans in all sports, etc. However, such development is most likely for the good — technology enables to processenormous amounts of data and show humans only the most important.
Extensive transition to digital
Digitalisation will affect all areas of life. For instance, changes in the medical field will see the creation of a giant global database containing the detailed medical history of everyone on the planet from the moment of birth. Also, based on the data and by itself, the system will select treatment options, make dietary adjustments, or detect the deficiency of certain vitamins in the body.
Everyday life
In the next few decades, the world for each individual will turn into a personalised ecosystem where the individual will leave a unique digital footprint from the moment of birth. As a result, the world will «adapt» to the individual based on their needs. Only the advertisement of goods that are necessary. Self-fitting clothes, bathrooms that automatically heat the water before the alarm rings. In general, the world will become simpler. Unlike today, when the world is the same for all, it will be different for each individual after the technological revolution.
What else will change in the next few decades? Tell us what you think in the comments!